Monday, 14 April 2008

British Archaeology Magazine celebrates 100th issue

From the PAS Blog.

"Via Twitter, I found out that Tom Goskar over at Wessex Archaeology had an article published with Leif Isaksen (Uni of Southamptan) and Paul Cripps in the latest British Archaeology (May - June 2008 £4.25 a copy or join the CBA and get it gratis.) The Scheme’s website gets a nice plug with a half page box and screen grab of the Tiberius coin page from our coin guide which draws in data from the Scheme’s database and compiles it into a useful guide.

Their article gives a run through of the various computing issues that British archaeology is currently dealing with (the Museum sector could learn a lot and needs to catch up; but that is just my opinion.) There is a particularly impressive LIDAR image of Stonehenge (which is currently hosting a small excavation) and some information on the ARK recording system (is that LP Archaeology’s) and also that most excellent project Pleiades. Though there doesn’t seem to be anything about their fantastic work with their own stuff over at Wessex Archaeology! Tom and the rest of the Wessex team do some interesting stuff on their site, which is also worth checking regularly. Or if you’ve woken up to the awesome power of RSS, subscribe and stop wasting time visiting sites when nothing has changed.

Sorry for the apparent silence recently, I’ve been battling with various server issues and in house data cleaning problems; more to follow in the next few days or even hours."

By Daniel Pett

Full story here.

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