Monday 7 April 2008

Stonehenge dig 2008 days 6 and 7

From BBC History.

As prehistoric structures are exposed beneath his trowel, Professor Geoff Wainwright is well aware of the "heavy hand of history" on his shoulder. How the team interpret the findings of the dig will shape our understanding of Stonehenge forever.

Over the weekend the team continued to work through the marked-out squares. A timelapse film would show the trench deepening in 5cm layers, called spits. Prehistoric features, such as the edges of a bluestone hole, are excavated as they are found - in this case after the first couple of spits.

There are already a few surprises. How some of the sockets intersect doesn't seem to tally with our current understanding of the building sequence at Stonehenge. They "don't fit into those phases awfully well at all", according Professor Darvill.

As the first week's dig came to a close on Sunday afternoon, a chill descended and the heavens opened. In the warmth of the gift-shop you can find Stonehenge snowstorms. Outside, the real thing. Watch the video (above) for the latest news and views.

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