Friday 15 January 2010

Stanton Drew older than thought - possible remains of Long Barrow.

From the BBC.

Archaeologists have discovered the collection of prehistoric standing stones at Stanton Drew is older than originally thought.
During geophysical surveys last summer, they found the outline of a burial mound dated from nearly 1000 years before the stone circles.

The surveys were carried out by Bath and Camerton Archaeological Society and the council's Archaeological Officer.

It is hoped the discovery will raise Stanton Drew's profile with scholars.
Their work has brought new light on the origins of the Cove - the three large stones in the beer garden of the Druid's Arms.
Stone circles such as those at Stanton Drew are known to date broadly to the late Neolithic and early Bronze Age, about 3000 to 2000 BC.
Given the new dating, by John Oswin, the upright stones of the Cove might be better explained as the portals or facade of a chambered tomb, similar to the Stoney Littleton long barrow near Wellow.
Bath and North East Somerset Council's Archaeological Officer, Richard Sermon, said: "Stanton Drew has been much neglected compared to Avebury and Stonehenge.
"This will raise its profile with the scholars and it [Stanton Drew] will be recognised as one of the major prehistoric sites in England."
Stanton Drew reconstruction and information at Digital Digging.

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